The Woman Inspiring Me

I am inspired

by the capable woman

by the virtuous woman

by the powerful woman

by the woman with a sound mind

and a spirit of courage.

I am inspired

by the woman encompassing true beauty

by the woman who is the epitome

of uncomfortability

and unconformity.

I am inspired

by the woman who is bold,

by the woman with a quiet spirit

by the woman who is unaffected by implications

and judgment

by the woman with a point of view

altering the course of current culture

and a willingness

to be the vessel for change.

I am inspired

by the woman walking by faith

and not by sight

by the woman leading the blind

by the woman carrying the weak

and feeding the hungry.

I am inspired

by the woman who rises early

by the woman who sets about her work vigorously,

and retires late.

I am inspired

by the woman who forgives,

by the woman who sees opportunity and takes,

by the woman who sees need and gives,

by the woman sowing seeds of mercy

even for those unworthy.

I am inspired

by the woman clothed in strength and dignity

by the woman speaking words of wisdom,

and has the self-control to hold her tongue.

I am inspired by the humble woman,

by the woman who sees not only her own value,

but the value of those surrounding her.

I am inspired

by the woman who loves without expecting return

by the woman who laughs at days to come

by the woman whose spirit is not weighed

by the harshness of her circumstances.

I am inspired by the woman

who rejoices always,

whose joy is not dependent on achievements

but rather is emphatic about the grace given to her freely.

I am inspired by the woman

who sees her weaknesses

and understands she is limited 

by the woman who relies not own her own strength 

but on the Spirit of God. 

I am inspired by the woman 

who pursues that which is admirable;

and though she is faced with opposition, 

walks without fear of failure;

though she is mocked for that which she believes,

speaks valiantly.

This is the woman who inspires me,

who I aspire to be,

who I am becoming.

This is the woman

who creates change

who is unaffected by what surrounds her

who is focused on her own path.

This is the woman who,

though she walks the narrow path,

sees need and provides

sees hunger and feeds

sees hatred and loves

sees pain and soothes

sees anger and calms

sees division and unites.

This is the woman who inspires.